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We’re public sector problem solvers, leveraging resolve and relationships at the intersection of industry and government. We never run from a fight, whether it fits neatly into a service category or completely breaks the mold.

Legislative Lobbying + Advocacy

Legislative advocacy at Congress, state capitals, city halls, county commissions, school boards and more

Bipartisan advocacy at every level of government

Multi-state legislative tracking and bill analysis

Lobby constitutional officers, boards and commissions

Advocate before regulatory and administrative leaders

Navigate complex political and regulatory landscapes

Appropriations +

Analyze emerging opportunities, provide advance intelligence to foster business and government partnership

Help shape RFPs + sole source opportunities

Collect intel on competitors, analyze prior contracts

Help resolve delays, negotiations and legal protests

Offer advance intelligence on contracting opportunities

Matchmaking local, certified disadvantaged enterprises


Combine reputation management, earned media outreach, and content creation to achieve strategic goals

Develop earned media strategy, pitch reporters

Schedule and staff editorial board briefings

Branding, message development, list-building

Reputation management and crisis communications

Distill complex data into digestible, persuasive messages

Ally + Community Engagement

Authentic outreach, coalition building and “political placemaking” to shape public opinion and policy

Shape public opinion through earned and social media

Solicit verifiable input from influencers and stakeholders

Provide boots-on-the-ground to build third-party support

Ally mapping, partner development and coalition building

Develop one-pagers, microsites, infographics and more

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235 Mitchell St. SW, 4th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303



1725 I St. NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20006
