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Firehouse Phones Wins Award for Best Automated Phone Call

Firehouse Phones is honored to be the recipient of an award recognizing our work in automated phone outreach during the 2022 election cycle. The progressive phones company headquartered in Atlanta was chosen as the winner of the “Best Automated Phone Call – Democratic” award at the annual Reed Awards Ceremony in Las Vegas, Nevada, presented by Campaigns and Elections.

Firehouse Phones won the award for an automated call titled “Ava,” which was sent to thousands of African-American women in Maryland, Virginia, Texas, Wisconsin, and Michigan. The call was part of a larger effort in which a character, “Ava” encouraged voters to visit a specific website for resources on voting and urged them to turn out in the November 2022 election.

The Reed Awards are presented annually to leaders who demonstrate excellence in the political consulting industry. Firehouse Phones is a 100% Black-owned company that specializes in conducting phones outreach for campaigns, non-profit organizations, and government entities throughout the country.

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