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Q&A with Ohio River South’s Howard Franklin, 2019 40 Under Forty Honoree

Originally published in the Atlanta Business Chronicle.

Howard Franklin, 2019 40 Under Forty Honoree from the Atlanta Business Chronicle

Atlanta Business Chronicle has named our 2019 40 Under Forty honorees. The up-and-comers will be celebrated at an awards event Nov. 7 at The Fairmont in Atlanta. Here’s a Q&A with one of the honorees, Howard Franklin, founder and managing partner, Ohio River South.

Q: What has living in metro Atlanta meant to you professionally and personally?

A: Living in Atlanta has meant seeing diversity represented in every facet of my professional journey, and being both challenged and empowered because of it.

Q: What do you do to create community and common purpose with people who are different (ex., in race, gender, beliefs, politics, etc.) from you?

A: As a political professional, finding common purpose and creating community is second nature for me!

Q: Beyond material gains, credentials, titles, or etc., what gives you the greatest joy, why, and how do you share that joy with others?

A: My greatest joy comes from helping talented people reach their full potential. Growing and leading a team of seven has given me plenty of opportunities to nurture others’ careers and coach them toward their goals.

Q: If you had advice or a challenge for your 40 Under Forty Class of 2019, what would that be?

A: I would challenge the 2019 class to stay engaged at the intersection of business and community. It’s where the most good can be done in a city like Atlanta, but it’s also a place that many people eschew for one reason or another.

Q: What is needed for metro Atlanta to nurture the next generation of leaders to achieve the things you’ve achieved?

A: After all the success Atlanta has experienced, our city and its collective leadership has to figure out what Atlanta 3.0 should be, and set out on a path to achieve it.

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